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About Me

 I was born in the Christian faith, and have been going to the same non-denominational church my whole life. And although I'm only a teenager, God is still doing big things in my life. I was baptized in 2017 by my youth pastor and father. But, like most teenagers, I didn't know what came next. So, I just lived my life with my faith only being a once a week type thing. But, as I continued to mature and grow in my faith, I gradually started to get a whole new outlook on life. One of the biggest parts of that transformation was surrounding myself with the right people. I had just gotten into a small group of girls at my school who are all Christians. The more we met and discussed our faith, the more I realized what my life is all about. Now I know that we all as disciples have a duty to live our lives on mission for God.

Entering another school year has given me knew challenges and brought back old ones. My prayer journal  has always been a way for me to let go of whatever I need to, and I have found such comfort in giving it all to the Lord. Recently, I've been journaling more than ever, and decided I was ready to take the step in fulfilling God's purpose for me. So, when I was assigned a project in class to reform a topic of my choice, I chose to help kids struggling with poverty, anxiety, trauma, and fear in my community. I've created this website as a way to help others serve and get involved along with me to become a part of a greater movement for God.  So, I challenge you to serve, donate, and listen to my podcast to grow in your faith and find ways to serve in your community. 

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